The Commodore Amiga Series
The Commodore Amiga redefined what desktop power could be. Offering advanced color graphics and sophisticated audio capabilities years before many competitors, the Amiga soon became the preferred platform for many graphic artists, musicians, TV stations, film studios, and home gamers alike.

It's almost impossible to over-state the significance of the original Amiga 1000, which took the mouse-driven "GUI" concept that Apple pioneered with the Macintosh, and expanded upon it with superior color graphics, rich audio and a robust library of productivity and entertainment software. Beloved by artists and musicians around the world, the Amiga was found in homes, schools, TV stations and film productions houses in roughly-equal quantities - a remarkable achievement for a machine of this era.

The Amiga 500 took the hardware architecture of the original Amiga 1000, and repackaged it into a more-affordable, consumer-friendly "all in one" system. The Retro Roadshow is proud to have an Amiga 500 with various upgrades and enhancements, and its deep library of games makes it a very popular attraction at our events.

The Amiga 2000 further expanded the original Amiga design, repurposing it into a chassis carefully designed to meet the needs of high-end professional users. With ample internal space and numerous expansion options, the A2000 was a big hit with artists, graphic designers, recording artists and perhaps especially, early digital video editors. The Retro Roadshow's A2000 has been expanded to a significant degree, with an upgraded 33MHz CPU, internal solid-state storage, Ethernet networking, internal CD-ROM drive, enhanced high-resolution graphics capabilities, and a USB-based floppy disk emulator which makes it simple to download apps and games from the Internet.