Sun Microsystems SunBlade 150

In the spirit of my earlier post about being featured in the New York Times(!!), here’s another weird RetroComputer displaying a Zscaler logo! This is a Sun Microsystems SunBlade 150, a super cool machine I recently rescued from an untimely death via e-waste recycling.

This particular machine is running Solaris 8 (Sun’s Unix variant) on Sun’s own UltraSPARC CPU, but also running Windows 95 on an AMD x86 CPU (mounted inside the machine on a “PC On A Card” device installed in one of the expansion slots), and running Mac OS 7.1 via a mostly-forgotten piece of Apple software called the Macintosh Application Environment. One computer, two different CPU architectures, three different operating systems, and one Zscaler logo. Gotta love it!


Sony FloppyCam


HP Desktop Plotter