Commodore Amiga 500

For my latest entry in the ongoing “Zscaler Logo Displayed On An Old Computer” series, I’m excited to present the newest addition to my Retro Roadshow collection: a beautiful Commodore Amiga 500. This computer was a powerhouse when it was released in 1987. The Amiga's advanced audio/visual capabilities made them popular with musicians, TV and film studios, artists, gamers, etc., and they continue to enjoy a thriving fan community.

This particular Amiga was recently donated to me by a former colleague (thank you Tash Hepting!), and he included the Amiga itself, the beautiful CRT display, and the ‘sidecar’ unit you see to the left, which adds a whopping 20 megabyte hard disk + an extra 512k of system RAM.

Getting the Zscaler logo to display on the Amiga was a challenge, both because the machine has no modern form of I/O or networking, and because Amiga uses different filetypes than modern computers. Fortunately I already had a little device called a Floppy Emulator, which allows the Amiga to read “floppy disk images” from a USB thumb-drive. Once I got that working, it was a matter of figuring out how to convert the logo from a modern file type to a filetype the Amiga’s DeluxePaint III program could read.

That’s it - I hope you guys enjoy, and HAPPY FRIDAY!


Apple eMate 300


Power Mac G4 Cube